Mining Book Guy Shares His Newest Top Junior Stock Pick

Minotaur Exploration (MEP on the ASX) is the most exciting copper-gold discovery story that the market barely cares about. Lucky for me, my broker at SprottGlobal, Sam Broom, was on top of it from the start! Minotaur has quickly become my largest holding. I explain how Sam has provided invaluable advice/analysis as my full-service broker. I also provide plenty of research links on Minotaur, as well as some of my own thoughts on ‘position sizing’, a critical component of speculation.

—– *DISCLOSURE: MiningBookGuy owns shares in Minotaur Exploration (MEP on the ASX in Australia), and much of the information is biased. MiningBookGuy does not have any relationship with the company, and may buy or sell shares at any time in the future. MiningBookGuy is not a registered investment advisor and advises you to do your own due diligence (DYODD) with a licensed investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions. This company is highly speculative and not suitable for all investors. Any errors are mine and mine alone.

——— *NOTE – many more links coming soon. For now, make sure to check the recent AGM powerpoint, which is the #1 overview of the company:…

In addition, here was the initial news release that got me interested in the company:…

And here’s a link to my broker Sam’s bio/contact info at SprottGlobal:…

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