Junior Mining Stock Tips with Investors Brian Leni & Bill Powers (newbies ignore to their peril)

Mining Stock Education · Junior Mining Stock Tips with Investors Brian Leni & Bill Powers (newies ignore to their peril)

Investors Brian Leni of JuniorStockReview.com and Bill Powers of MiningStockEducation.com share key junior mining stock investing tips that newbies ignore to their own peril. Junior mining stocks can often yield 10x or 1/10th your money. Listen to this discussion and consider how you are approaching this high-risk, high-potential reward sector.

0:00 Introduction

0:44 Losing money on a good decision

3:07 Keeping track of your emotions

6:44 Betting too much on one company

8:54 “I know now how much risk I actually took”

10:31 External reasons to sell can save you

14:44 Don’t irrationally hold on to losers

17:51 Emotionally detaching from losers and move on

21:21 Don’t overidealize a bullish take on a commodity

26:53 Online echo chambers

28:05 Would you invest if you think management is sub-par?

31:10 What to do with management projections?

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